Monday, June 13, 2005

Looks Like Somebody's Got a Case of the Monday's...

I get in to the elevator at work this morning, already feeling exhausted and dreading the week that lies ahead. Normally, I don't really like sharing the elevator with anyone in the morning, as I feel that my moments in the elevator are my last moments of freedom before I enter the massive oppression known as work. But this morning, I made direct eye contact with someone from the human resources department, and there was no way I could pretend that I couldn't see her-so I held the door for her. Our conversation went something like this:

HR Employee: HEY! How are you doing today?
Rook: I am OK-and yourself?
HR Employee: GRRRRRRRRREAT! Thanks for asking!
(keep in mind, I am already starting to get frustrated---who the hell is that happy to be going to work on a Monday morning? But this, this is where the conversation gets good).
HR Employee: It looks like someone's got a case of the Monday's!
Rook: [laughing hysterically] I LOVE that
HR Employee: [looking at me inquisitively] What movie?

I should have gotten off of the elevator right then and there and hit the down button and went straight home. But no---the elevator stopped at my floor, I said my goodbyes to HR employee and went in to the office. As I am returning from the kitchen, back to my desk, I run in to someone from our meetings department. The conversation that ensues:

Rook: Morning S. How was your weekend?
S.: Great-but not as good as yours!
Rook: What do you mean?
S.: Did you have fun on that boat Saturday night?
Rook: [VERY confused] How did you know I went on a boat?
S.: I was down at the waterfront. I saw you down there, first on a boat and then swimming. You looked pretty wasted-I mean, seriously, who goes swimming in the Potomac?
Rook: [awkwardly] Haha... I really don't think the water is that dirty. See you later!

Will I never escape this place? Will this office follow me wherever I go, for the rest of eternity? You are right HR employee-someone does have a MAJOR case of the Monday's.



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