Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Man (#1)

I am starting a new feature on this here blog---giving my propers to men that I love. #1 on this list is FDR. Three words for you-THE NEW DEAL!

Stay tuned for my next installment. That man I love could very well be YOU (probably not though).


  • At 1:58 PM, Blogger Rook said…

    There is a new feature in the comments section of my blog. You now must do this crazy word verification thing (I feel like ticketmaster) in order to publish a comment. These anonymous advertisements, while at first, were very humorous, have gotten on my bad side (a side that no one should want to be on). Please don't let this new feature deter you from leaving comments!

    Much love,


  • At 4:50 PM, Blogger Glenn Fink said…

    Let me know if you need a photo of me for your next installment. j/k

    FDR was cool, that's why Bush keeps trying to pretend he's FDR...without all those pesky programs putting the country ahead of corporate interests.

  • At 12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    And now...

    I miss the ol' blog
    Working from sun up to down
    I have lost my mind

  • At 11:08 AM, Blogger Rook said…


    I can't believe you put my political hero in the same sentence as Dubbs. Please never do that again. FDR holds a very special place in my heart, and even though Mr. Bush looks great in a cowboy hat and boots, I hate him.



    PS-Where you been all my life, Ragin???


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