Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Potty Mouth...

Beeswax: I want to design a new style of urinal
schwink: ummm
Beeswax: one where there's a game involved
schwink: care to elaborate?
Beeswax: like the squirting water in the clown’s mouth game?
Beeswax: ...sorta like that
Beeswax: like you get points for peeing in certain parts of the urinal
schwink: I am laughing my ass off here
schwink: that is fucking hilarious
Beeswax: the longer you do it the more points you get
schwink: and ingenious
schwink: would be great for potty training
Beeswax: there would be a little scoreboard like skeeball right above you
schwink: would you get tickets?
schwink: to trade in for cheap prizes?
Beeswax: and if you get over a certain point value the siren would go off
schwink: haaaaaaa
Beeswax: well... I was thinking about that part
Beeswax: I think there should be but who wants to take tickets from someone that just held their dick in their hand
Beeswax: so instead, there is a slot to insert your card
Beeswax: and the points add up on the card
Beeswax: then you can use the card like a debit for gift certificates etc.
schwink: my god
schwink: that is sounding very complex
schwink: for taking a piss
Beeswax: each time you pee it'll cost you some $ but it'll be a lot more fun
Beeswax: yeah... but it's better than tickets
Beeswax: and better than peeing in a lame ass white urinal
schwink: man
Beeswax: they should at least make the urinal cakes smell better
schwink: you are a strange and complex man
schwink: and for that, I love you
Beeswax: you said it sister
Beeswax: and I love you Rook
Beeswax: for being my ultimate cheerleader
Beeswax: so... any ideas about new urinal cake smells?
Beeswax: scents.... sorry
schwink: um
schwink: no
schwink: sorry
Beeswax: I was thinking pussy smell but everyone has a different taste when it comes to that
Beeswax: and there are very few people that get off on pissing on pussy
Beeswax: IMO
Beeswax: anyhoo... I think I could do stand up after all :)
schwink: whoa
schwink: tmi
schwink: yeah, not with the pussy info
schwink: wouldn’t go over well
schwink: imho
Beeswax: look at Andrew Dice Clay
Beeswax: he was a billion times more offensive
Beeswax: and he made some freakin loot!
Beeswax: “Mother Goose... I fucked her”
Beeswax: love it
Beeswax comic genius


  • At 4:06 PM, Blogger Rook said…

    Sorry Dad...

  • At 4:10 PM, Blogger Double A Ron said…

    ...please Rook... and you wonder how your dad won you that stuffed animal at the ballgame... hehee


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