Thursday, February 23, 2006

Anal Fisting: Hell Yeah!

I have been neglecting this blog, mainly cause I have had nothing of any interest to say, which is funny, because my life has never been more exciting. I guess that just so much has been going on, that I haven’t really known where to start.

This weekend I had a chance to really make a name for myself in the amazing and exciting world of jamband journalism. I think I may have really screwed that one up. Monks and I decided we were going to write an article for his friends at Glide magazine about a fairly up and coming band within the whole “scene”. We went to see them this weekend, in an extravaganza known as the “Monkey Birthday Ter”. Oh, what a ter it was. I don’t think either of us remember too much about the show on Friday night. I remember vomiting at the hotel before the show, telling the band they sucked during set-break and accidentally peeing on a tee shirt that their manager had given to me. So, it was obvious that we couldn’t really write about our experiences on Friday night. Then, on Saturday, when I was finally coherent enough to get some sound bites from the band members, I engaged each of them in a conversation about anal fisting, and while it was very entertaining, I am pretty sure that a reputable music magazine will not print an article based on anal fisting (even though I’ve got a great title “Anal Fisting: Hell Yeah! 3 Nights on the Road with …) Come Monday, I was so exhausted I had no interest in seeing anyone in the band, and post show the only thing I wanted to do was go home and go to sleep. I guess the only saving grace of this whole debacle is that Monks got some amazing shots, and that Glide is giving us a chance to prove ourselves again at Langerado. That, and I had a killer fucking time.

I am going to try and update my blog on a more consistent basis. I’ve been playing with MySpace a lot instead. I am easily distracted…

Oh-and a very happy birthday to you, Primetime Maceo! Great to see you and your lovely lady the other night!


  • At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yes! i made the blog, i can die a happy man, sorry we couldnt stay longer. i didnt want to get another $25 parking ticket for not paying the meter. seriously tho, where the fuck are you supposed to put your car in the city durring the day? its f'ing impossible. anyway i still have alot to say, i'll be intouch.

  • At 12:51 PM, Blogger Double A Ron said…

    Three words:



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