Thursday, June 29, 2006

No Sleep Till...

I can only imagine the enery this combination will generate and in such a cool venue too!!

September 9th, McCarren Pool, Brooklyn, NYC
Tickets on sale now!! Click here

for more info on the bands, here are their websites:

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

F is for Funky!!

Stevie Wonder performs Superstition on Sesame Street... pay attention to the girl on stage left up on the stairs... future go go dancers of America?!?

Anyhoo, enjoy the video and feel free to comment...

Smoking Monkeys are always funny...

I dont know why, but seeing a monkey doing something that is usually associated with human behaviors brings about a level of humor that is difficult to recreate.

So, here it is... with no further adieu... I bring you the "smoking monkey"

Watch Video Clip

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

GRAB @ Bonnaroo 2006

Here's the Webcast of G.R.A.B. (Gordon, Russo, Anastasio, and Benevento) from last week's Bonnaroo Music Fest. Like it or not, this is what we have to look forward to for the rest of the summer if not for years to come. Their sound is a lot more indie-rockish than I am used to hearing from Phish but a sound I have grown accostomed to with the Duo.

As a side note, it appears that the ROTY has forsaken this glorious blog and I am considering taking it over. Afterall, I still live in DC... now, if only I can get rid of this pink background...
6th Annual Jammys!