are you SCRUFFING kidding me?
In the midst of catching up on my celebrity gossip, I came across a link to a very disturbing new cause that many celebrity women have taken on. The organization is called no-scruf which stands for National Organization of Social Crusaders Repulsed by Unshaven Faces. Are they for real? Despite famine in Darfur, war in the middle east and Scientologists hiding babies for months on end; these women have decided to protest men who dont shave?!? Just to make it worse, their form of protest is to stop shaving as well? I just dont get it...
Take a moment to look at this beautiful woman pictured here. This is Terry Tarentelli, swimsuit model and NoScruf Founder. Now that you have fought off your initial gag reflexes, picture this woman without armpit hair and leg hair...much better right? I mean this girl is HOT and she is screwing up our view by throwing all that extra fur in places they shouldnt be if you plan to wear a bikini. That picture should be sent to PETA so they can protest her choice of wearing fur.
Furthermore, what about her bikini line? If that girl is truly that hairy, chances are she should be rocking the full-on 70's muff and you would see pubes spilling out the sides and top of that bikini bottom... where is that Ms. Tarentelli? I dont see why that would be ok to shave/wax but you would still leave your legs and pits to go au naturel...
I think what it comes down to is that these beautiful women are just too lazy to shave. Hell, that's the main reason so many men rock the unshaven look. We are not protesting against anything, we just simply dont feel like shaving and it's considered socially acceptable for a man to be scruffy or bearded.
If this movement really had any hopes to go anywhere or prove anything they would pick the bearded lady from the circus to be their representative and not some hot, lazy swimsuit model. Even then, would it really prove anything? We get it that some women may not like the scruffy look but women, if you have a problem with your man not shaving enough, FUCKING TELL HIM!! Dont decide to run a pointless national campain against unshaven faces.
As you all know, you women hold all the cards when it comes to sex and if scruf bothers you that much, make a rule that your man wont get any unless his face feels like a baby's bottom. I know that if I was dating this bitch-without-a-real-cause, I would make the same rule apply to her legs, pits and crotch... but you better believe that I would be willing to be as hairless as an olympic swimmer to get me a piece of that!!