Tuesday, June 28, 2005

My Buddy and Me!

Leah says:you are supposed to say something nice and funny now
Lily says:maybe you shoudl go fuck yoruself
Lily says:hahahahaha
Leah says:hahah
Leah says:that is pretty funny
Lily says:i know
Leah says:not very nice though
Lily says:conncet the dots
Lily says:how bout i connect your face to my ass?
Lily says:huh?
Leah says:whoa
Lily says:hows that sound?
Lily says:haaaaaaaaaa
Lily says:like that bitch/


  • At 5:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ROYT in DC is a liar, that's what is going on here.

  • At 10:59 AM, Blogger Rook said…

    janet johnson is a liar. I don't im at work (I use MSN Messanger and talk to one person and one person alone, schwilly). With that being said, maybe she isn't so much of a liar. I do occasionally sign-on to AIM (my screename is schwank424). Sorry Meth, I don't like too many distractions.

  • At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i don't know. i kind of think she's a liar. guess who's going swimming today! me baby, meeee!


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