Monday, June 13, 2005

No One Is Safe From my Blog...

I just got this e-mail from a good friend---"Janet Johnson". If you want to keep a secret-I am not the right person to tell:

I have a never ending infection. It smells and is not comfortable. The next day, it is gone. I go to the doctors and they tell me nothing is wrong with me. They run tests, take a look, everything’s fine. Everything is not fine, sometimes. I showered yesterday, today I smell. It will go away in a few hours and come back in a few days. I will not go see the doctor about this because this is the story of my life. It is only mildly a pain in the ass. Usually I am fine; occasionally it burns when I pee.

P.S. This is not a poem, this is my life.

Poor, poor Janet. Sounds like vd to me.


  • At 5:31 PM, Blogger Rook said…

    "Janet"-I wouldn't talk to me that way---I'll tell the whole world your real indentity...

    You know I love you, baby (even if you are riddled with VD).


  • At 5:36 PM, Blogger Rook said…

    "Janet"-do you want me to tell the world?? Cause I will, gladly! (where do you think you got the vd from???)


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