Thursday, September 22, 2005


Ah, kittens. Is there anything more precious than the sweet bundle of joy known as kittens? As of lately, my partner in crime, CPT, and I have been having a lot of fun with the notion that every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten. I guess you could say its become a theme in everyday conversation. Here is a pretty funny example of an exchange on the killing of kittens (keep in mind, this conversation took place in a room full of people):

CPT: I don't know what I am up to. I'm hanging right here for now.
Rook: Hmmm. OK. I guess I will just go and kill some kittens.

As CPT and I explode in to hysterical laughter, the room full of people looks at me, shocked. That's right people, I just said I am going to go and kill some kittens. Get over it. Anyway, I suggest that you use this phrase as a euphemism for masturbation-it really is a lot of fun. I even wrote a haiku about it during lunch:

nothing left to do
lets go kill us some kittens
that never gets old

I am literally sitting here at my desk laughing out loud. This truly will NEVER get old.


  • At 12:44 AM, Blogger Glenn Fink said…

    I can never look at a kitten again without pangs of guilt.

    Of course, if there's ever been a noble cause for kittens to die, I think masturbation would be near the top of my list.

  • At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thought for the day:

    Everyone's killed a kitten at some point. Avoid those who deny their complicity in kitten deaths. They cannot be trusted.


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