Monday, November 21, 2005

Dead Parrots (and Other Assorted Randomness)

I must apologize for being so incommunicado over the past few days, but lo and behold, I’ve been quite the busy bee. But, it’s Monday morning, and I am back and better than ever. Let me start off by saying that I am in a fantastic mindset this Monday… My favorite holiday of all time is in a couple of days and on Wednesday I get to make my way (back) up to New York to spend some quality time with my favorite people on the planet, my family. Now, where to begin? Thursday, Umphrey’s McGee came in to town to perform at the 9:30 Club. What a fantastic show! The energy both on stage and off was at an all time high, and personally, I was loving it! I got to see so many people who I hadn’t seen in a while at the show, which was great, and I got to dance my ass off watching one of my favorite bands get down. Then, came the after-party… Ah, you know its trouble when Umphrey’s comes to town on a Thursday night. I honestly didn’t realize quite how late it had gotten until the sun was coming up and the bus was getting ready to leave. Needless to say, work was a little rough on Friday (I was working on absolutely zero hours of sleep) and I made the executive decision NOT to go up to NYC for the weekend to see Umphrey’s. As soon as I got home from work, I passed out. I was so happy to be asleep and be in for the weekend. But, at around 10 pm, my phone began vibrating to let me know I had a text message, and surprisingly, it awoke me. The message was from a friend who was at the show and it was as follows:

Immigrant song! And Huey Lewis, Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman are on their way.

It was at that very moment that I realized there was insanity ensuing up in NYC, and that if I didn’t make it up for the final night, I would really regret it. So, I made the executive decision that the next day I would take the bus up to Delaware to meet my friend, and the two of us would drive up to the city together. So, the next morning, I began my trek up North…

So much happened on Saturday night, it would be impossible to mention all of it, but there are definitely a few key moments that stick out in my head. First of all, I got to see/meet so many amazing people, including my biggest childhood crush, Huey Lewis, oh, how my heart melted! OK, some random funniness:

-My buddy and I walk in to Irving Plaza and make our way upstairs. We are both immediately accosted by this chick, Ann, who I had met at an Umphrey’s show in Philadelphia. She starts talking at a mile a minute, and very quickly makes her motives for being so friendly known. “Yeah, so I was backstage for the entire show last night, and for some reason, I don’t have a pass today, and I really don’t understand why. It must be a mistake. I’ve been calling people, but I can’t get in touch with anyone, can you guys bring me with you?” Well, last time I saw this girl, she was a pretty major bitch to me, and I totally saw through her little act. Everytime I left the VIP section, there she was, trying to get in. I avoided her, because I was pretty sure that if anyone had wanted her back there, she would be back there. Anyway, the show ends and bunch of us are hanging out. I am standing with one of the guys, and his phone begins to ring. He looks down at who is calling him, and sort of tosses his phone on a chair. I enquired, and he informed me that he drunkenly gave his number to some chick and that she had been calling him about 15 times a day ever since. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was the same chick I was talking to earlier in the evening. Anyway, I didn’t really think much of it, until two or so hours later when a bunch of us leave to go to some party (awesome party by the way, thank you so much for the hospitality Matty G and wife!)… We go out the back door, and there are some random fans milling about, hoping to meet the guys. I spotted the chick pretty much immediately, and made sure to keep my head down. Anyway, she immediately spots my friend and begins questioning him on what’s going on, blah, blah, blah. I stay sort of close by, and after two or so minutes, he comes running up to me saying, “That is the crazy stalker-chick!” I laughed and explained that she had been begging me to get her backstage all night… I can’t believe those guys actually have groupies, it was hysterical.

-For some reason, I have gained a reputation amongst my friend Jake that I am a joker. I know I have told him jokes, but I am pretty sure that they are the same jokes, always. Anyway, somehow we began talking about donkey punches (I am pretty sure I brought it up) and he starts talking about dead parrots. I look at him inquisitively, and he was like, “You don’t know what a dead parrot is?” Very naively, I enquired, “you mean, like a dead bird?” The conversation that ensued was probably one of the funniest conversations I have had ever!
Jake: Yeah, you should definitely give someone a dead parrot sometime. It is hilarious!
Rook: Uh, yeah, that would be funny [looking down at my self]. But, uh, in case you didn’t notice, I am a chick.
Jake: Yeah, I know you are. We are going to have to develop a pill or something.
I ended up making up my own version of the dead parrot later that night…

-We walked around Manhattan for nearly an hour, looking for this party. I think there were seven of us. Half of us were actually from the New York area. I wondered why we were having so much trouble and then realized that of all of the people we were with, we were letting the wicked drunk dude who is from Indiana lead us. Once that became apparent, we were at the party in a flash.

I could keep going, but I won’t. It really was great to see/meet everyone over the past few days, and I am really pumped that I made the last minute executive decision to trek on up to NYC. Thanks to everyone who made these past few days so great! It truly was an unforgettable weekend! Oh, and Monks
, you can really eat a dick for having my camera (still love you though, wish you were there)!

P.S. For those who are interested, these are the setlists from the past couple of nights (taken from

11.19.05 - Irving Plaza, New York, New York
Set One: Miss Tinkle's Overture, The Bottom Half, Kabump > "Jimmy Stewart" > Hajimemashite, Wild Side, Higgins, Ain't No Sunshine^, 2nd Self, Nopener
Set Two: All In Time, Robot World > Norwegian Wood jam > Walletsworth, Red, In the Kitchen, Believe the Lie
Encore One: The Weight^^, blues song^^
Encore Two: Hurt Bird Bath
^ with Ugochi on vocals
^^ with Huey Lewis

11.18.05 - Irving Plaza, New York, New York
Set One: Great American > Andy's Last Beer, Syncopated Strangers > Immigrant Song, Roulette, Resolution > "Jimmy Stewart"* > Prowler > Divisions
Set Two: The Triple Wide** > Wife Soup, Bad is Bad^, Women Wine and Song^, Plunger > Glory, Bridgeless, Sister Christian^^
Encore: Heart and Soul^, Pay the Snucka$
* with All In Time jam
** with Star Wars theme jam
^ with Huey Lewis
^^ with Jeff Austin on vocals
$ with Stairway to Heaven tease

11.17.05 - 9:30 Club, Washington, D.C.
Set One: The Crooked One > Atmosfarag > Push the Pig > "Jimmy Stewart" > Slacker, Utopian Fir*, Carol of the Bells jam**, Anchor Drops, Last Man Swerving > Mail Package
Set Two: #Cherub rock, Dump City > Partyin' Peeps, Blue Echo > Jazz Odyssey, The Fussy Dutchman, piano solo^, Ringo$, Believe the Lie Encore: Panama
* with Take Me Out (Franz Ferdinand) jam and Don't Fear the Reaper teases
** with Stairway to Heaven teases
# with Tom Sawyer (Rush) tease
^ Joel on the venue's baby grand piano; with Stairway to Heaven tease
$ with Take Me Out, Stairway to Heaven, and Don't Fear the Reaper teases


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