Tuesday, August 02, 2005

12 Tribes?

I picked up some literature at the WSP show on Saturday, a pamphlet that speaks of enlightenment... Well, this morning, as I was enjoying a yogurt, I sat and read said document, which was very kindly given to me by a member of the 12 Tribes. I was reading it, and I got to thinking-what is so wrong with their lifestyle? People have called them a cult, but, according to them, they are NOT a cult. They seem pretty cool to me-they get to go to a bunch of shows and ride around in that cool bus, and they live on farms, like a family. I have had this overwhelming feeling lately that my life needs more direction-maybe that direction is joining my homies at the 12 Tribes?? I don't know the dude Yashua that they are always talking about-but, he seems pretty cool to me, and I've got lots of room in my heart! The only question now is: Who's coming with me?


  • At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Jackson Pollack of Bathroom Slobs at Hotel Chelsea
    Blogger Living with Legends ' girlfriend doesn't like her coffee too sweet. So when the deli guys loaded it with six sugars, LWL dumped it, full and upright, in his Hotel Chelsea hallway garbage.
    my site: loreal hair color

  • At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Leah, what are they talking about?

  • At 10:51 AM, Blogger Double A Ron said…

    Never trust anonymous bloggers who invade your comments page about car parts and hair color... BLOGGING IS A CULT!!! STAY AWAY!!

  • At 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    everythings a cult just another virus in the circle of live its a mine field descizzzzzzzzzed as the ultimate answer...............................kido

  • At 8:05 PM, Blogger Rook said…

    Janet-I have no idea who the loreal and corvette people are. I am assuming that the loreal person has seen my photo and realizes how badly my roots need to be touched up (thats right, those blonde highlights, not real) and the corvette dude has discovered my love for fancy American cars. As for the last reply, I am pretty sure that it is my father, for there is no one else in the world who calls me kido. Either way, I am pretty psyched that the blog is getting some attention. I have now answered your question to the best of my ability. RESPECT!

  • At 8:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    leah, i know where your coming from, i spent about 2 hours on there bus after a wsp show in STL. they're pretty nice poeple, they even gave me water, cookies and some organic 12 tribes made hand soap and toothpaste. i took the soap, toothpaste, and glasses of water, but ditched the cookies in their trash when they werent looking. i mean c'mon, who knows what they put in them, proly make me want to join up, and im not all about being brainwashed...but no joke, never turn down a 12 tribe peanut butter ball.

  • At 7:18 AM, Blogger Rook said…

    The only Maceo I know is PRIMETIME! Is that you buddy? You wearing your sunglasses, cause they make you feel cool?? Well, if it is you, I miss you! Its been forever, I think the last time I saw you was Miami, 2003-2004, is that possible? Feel, feel, feel my heat!

  • At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Two words; Monkey Farm

    We can get a cool bus, have a farm & be happy. Only, we'll allow drinking and some other indulgences.

    So far we have;
    - plenty of lawyers
    - a bass player
    - a photographer
    - a Rock Star / Groupie
    - An expert in organic farming (If KB is in)
    - a nurse (AT)
    - a mulit-talented yet expert in nothing Bird

    We still need: chefs, maids, gophers, more drummers, a veterinarian, a cabana boy, 24 hour designated drivers, 24 hour bar tenders, a helicopter, and an ambulance, just in case

    I'm in!
    -Bird Monkey

  • At 11:55 AM, Blogger Rook said…

    Watch who you call a groupie, Birdie! I don't think I deserve said title anymore... Either way, lets make the dream of the monkey farm a reality!


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