Tuesday, July 12, 2005

One From the Vaults

I had to share this. A few months back I got a new telephone number and sent out an e-mail to my entire address book informing them of the new information. This response got sent to every single person who recieved said e-mail. CLASSIC. For some reason, most of my extended family didn't really think it was that funny. So, for your reading pleasure, I invite you to join me in reading an e-mail from a one in a million guy:

YO what is going on mother fuckers? Not to much here just reporting in after
another fucked up weekend it hoytland. All that were included understand there
what alot of blacked out krazy wookie shit going on. Pdogg passed the fuck out
a couple of times and then pissed on the HOTi floor. Then soon after that
Welcer decided it would be a good idea to step in it and also take a short nap
there. NOt to mention the 18 year old dude from next door we got all fucked up,
I got to walk him to the next room, boy were those the days- being 18. Other
than that Portland is cool as hell and Moe can do it right. So a quick question
for all , what the hell is going to happen this New YEars, because I am readdy.
Still no snow and my ass isn't chapped from the cold. I don't know what else
to say but to all a good night and don;t forget HOYT P>S. this is not a rough

Ahh-good times.


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