Wednesday, August 31, 2005

What I Did on my Summer Vacation...

As I walked to work this morning, I noticed a change in the air. As I looked around me, it became apparent that fall is just around the corner and summer is officially coming to a close. While walking, I began to think about the summer of 2005, and how monumental it has been. So now folks, for your reading pleasure, I am going to give a brief run-down of Rook’s summer o’ fun.

Alcohol Units Consumed: (I actually just tried to figure this one out…) Countless
Miles Traveled (Approximate): 7,542
Dollars Spent (Approximate): $3,500
Money Won: $237
Hours of Live Music Seen (Approximate): 60
C-Lo Rolls Won (Approximate): 54
Old Friends Seen (Approximate): 27
New Friends Made (Approximate): 18
States Visited: 10
Boys Kissed: 9
Backstage Adventures: 5
Musical Hero’s Met/Spoken to: 2
Strip Clubs Attended: 1

New Apartments: 1

It really has been one hell of a summer! Many thanks to all of those who have made this summer what it was (you know who you are). Funny, but it doesn’t look like things will be calming down this fall. In the near future I know I have a trip to NY to watch golf, a Duo show, a trip to Philadelphia to see Umphrey’s McGee, a trip to Vegas to see EVERYONE, and a whole lot in between. I’ve said it before, and I will say it again, the summer of 2005 has indeed been the summer o’ Rook.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hey baby, what's your sign?

I've spent the last two hours combing thru mostly for enertainment value but also for some hints at what to say to someone you find attractive on a site like or . How can you call attention to yourself without sounding desperate or sleazy? Sure, most of you would just say, "be yourself" but you know what? Being myself is not gonna single me out from the pics of guys with washboard abs or fancy homepages... In light of this epiphany, I have searched thru over 1200 pickup lines (minus the repeated lines and the berrating ads about how Pheromone colognes work to get you noticed.. ) and found 18 good ones. I was trying for 20 but some are just so cheesy, they make me roll my eyes (and that's saying a lot). So, with no further adieu I present these pick up lines (in no particular order):

1. (In the grocery store:) I will trade you these frozen peas for your phone number.

2. (Use on a hot cashier: ) I think we should switch places because I'm the one checking you out.

3. They say it only takes 15 minutes, and we just wasted one shaking hands.

4. Approach a group of women and say: I'm gonna have sex with you, you, and you. Alright, who's first?

5. (walk up to the bar and sit down in the seat next to them. While looking at them, order a drink and drink it down) Well, we can't fuck here!

6. Why don't you surprise your roommate and not come home tonight?

7. Fat penguin... there, I said something to break the ice.

8. "Are you ready to go home yet?"

9. Most people like to watch the (i.e. World Cup, Stanley Cup,Superbowl, NBA playoffs, etc..) cuz it only happens once a year/every 4years, but I'd rather talk to you cause the chance of meeting someone likeyou only happens once in a lifetime.

10. Excuse me miss... Do you have a cigarette? Actually, I don't want one, I just wanted to start a conversation with you.

11. Ever made out with Pop Rocks before?

12. Listen to this: my buddies over there said that I wouldn't be able to start a conversation with the most beautiful girl in the bar. Wanna buy some drinks with some of their money?

13. Does your boyfriend know where you are?

14. Girl, if I were a fly, I'd be all over you, because you're the shit!

15. Did your father have sex with a carrot? Cause you've got nice eyes.

16. I won't be able to sleep tonight without you.

17. Mind if I stare at you up close instead of from across the room?

18. You see my friend over there? [Point to friend who sheepishly waves from afar] He wants to know if YOU think I'M cute

19. You're so fine, they should just nickname you "damn!!"

20. Nice to meet you, I'm (your name) and you are...gorgeous!

Monday, August 29, 2005


Get well soon, Suge!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Blueman's Sixty Six Steps Review

Indulge me in a little's interesting to me that Mike seems to have so much ease putting together a collection of music like this with Leo. It sounds so "organic," like it was music that existed already and all they had to do was tap into it (the best my opinion). Contrast this with what Trey has been trying to do (so far) and it's odd. Trey's efforts seem like...well, effort. Anyway...

Sixty Six Steps is a cute album. It's over almost before you know it at 50 minutes or so. All the songs are brief...2-3 minutes, which makes the disc jump along. A calculated mix...4 Leo songs, 5 Mike songs and 5 interesting covers. As I listened, I liked picturing the fact that the album was recorded in the same room as Back In Black was 25 years ago. Definitely some good energy down at Compass Point.

The disc opener, Pete Seger's "Living in the Country," sets the tropical, bright tone that follows on almost all the rest of the material. This song is at times Phish-like, in a grown up "Contact" kind of way.

The Reggae infused "The Grid" immediately highlights Mike's uncanny skill at taking a modern-culture buzz word (a la "Access Me") and making a song out of it. The "Yeah" chorus is classic Cactus. When he sings "I walked 12 thousand miles" you find yourself wondering if he means it...

The blues-era Fleetwood Mac cover, "Oh Well" feels a little forced, but I like Leo's vocal and his acoustic guitar rhythm line...very smooth. Mike's lead guitar playing is a little stilted and the tone is deliberately raunchy, which sounds out of place on the otherwise warm-sounding tones of the overall record. There's a million other covers that would have been more interesting than this, but I'm sure they have their rationale for choosing it.

"Ring" is another tropical of the most Caribbean sounding on the disc. This Leo-led tune highlights the unique bass/guitar compatibility they've developed. Musically, it's slippery, and at times brilliant.

"Cherry Country" is a classy Leo instrumental...almost like a relaxed version of "Rings." One of the licks hints directly at the melody from "Rings." Nice and short--it's one of those pieces that rounds out a disc, but on its own is a bit of a song orphan.

I was telling Monks last night that the "Sweet Emotion" cover (and Peter Green's "Oh Well") are most interesting for their novelty on the disc. Nice to break things up, but I'd have preferred another clever Mike original and another Leo acoustic nugget. Mike's vocal is scientifically delivered..."face like a gent." "pants on fire." The first time through the B-section lick, they let the bass carry the line and Leo sits out, which is probably one of those control-room decisions that makes for good producing. You gotta wonder if Mike told Leo about many Tweezer>Sweet Emotion jams of days gone by..."yeah, we use to..."

"The Stolen Quiet" is lyrically classic Mike weirdness. A lofty song about annoying neighbors that will probably never know they've been immortalized in song.

"Balloon" is my favorite piece on the disc, although I wish Leo had given the lead vocal to Mike. I love it because it's a Leo song that sounds like a Mike song! 'Cept it sounds like Lou Reed singing a Mike tune because of Leo's vocal. The music swirls behind the chorus, which is just the word "balloon" sung thrice. (There's a quirky photo of Mike in the jacket with a yellow balloon....probably taken during the Mike's vocal-tracking on this one.) You got to give Leo credit....he sings the word "thud" like no one else could. Again, another prime example of their (now) very unique bass-acoustic guitar interplay. Makes me think how smart Mike was for initiating this partnership.

"Over the Dam" is a throwaway countryesque piece with tinges of bluegrass. Lyrically vanilla, but with a peppy outro, which--along with "Sweet Emotion" and several others--is sure to be a jammed out piece on the tour. This whole disc is full of stuff that is built to jam--the tour is going to be sweet."Can't Hang"...another concise Mike piece, which sounds like it was left off of Undermind. The lyrics are again classic Mike. You can see how he's taken the energy that used to go into stuff like "Mike's Corner" and focused it on writing good lyrics.

"Can't Hang" is a song about excuses why you have to leave. Mike sings "I can't Hang" over and over again while Leo reads the excuses in the background..."I gotta go meet you know who." "My clothes are almost dry." etc. etc. I picture the goofy improv'd lines they probably left out. I love it.

Leo's "Correctionville," a prison reference (a common theme of his), is the only (only) dark moment on the disc musically. An open-tuning slide guitar piece. It anchors the latter half of the disc before the lilting...

"Ya Mar," which is interesting. It feels to me like Mike wanted a unique pass at his signature tune the first time he studio-recorded it. I guess because one is inclined to compare it to Phish versions ("It" and Albany Fall '97 come to mine), it's disappointing here. It sounds "produced." Mike's vocal is processed and there's too much percussion. Mike's tone on the lead guitar in the outro sounds a little high-schoolesque. Leo's guitar solo in the middle briefly rescues the song for me, but otherwise I'd have liked it better if Mike had left this Gem for the stage only and not made this particular statement of it. That's okay Cactus....maybe you were too focused on phone call bombardment contests.

The last two songs (one each by Mike and Leo) are beautiful. It was likely an easy choice to pick which two songs would close the disc. I wonder if it was maybe not-so-easy to choose which would be second-to-last...

Leo's nice "Twice" is a bittersweet Johnny Cash-esque piece. I love the lyrics..."sometimes darkness is the only light we'll see." It's a very songwritery song, but it works. If Mike's song "Invisible" wasn't so good, I'm sure this would have been the last song on the disc.

And the closer, Mike's "Invisible" is the companion piece to "Twice." Brilliantly lovely. (Trey also has a new song called "Invisible"...has anyone heard it? I bet Mike's is better.) Very clever lyrics. At one point Mike sings "Your opacity had value that lasted past its time." (Who writes a lyric like that?) The pretty melody hints at other things I think we can expect from Mike down the road. This would have made a great Phish tune...picture Page singing it when you listen and replace Leo's stock guitar solo with '94-era Trey sparks in your mind when you listen.................

Remember all them times.


Life's Been Good to Me

So, as of today, I really have nothing to complain about. This afternoon, I am off to see the Nats (on the company dime-not bad at all). This will be an interesting game though. My boss is definitely a National's fan, and while I appreciate the fact that baseball is back in our nations capitol, I have more than a few issues with the Nats. First and foremost, I still think of them as the Expos, aka, one of the biggest jokes in MLB. I mean, the Expos-come on! Me and my posse used to go to Expos games during college and they had to practically give tickets away to try and encourage attendance. As I said, they were a major joke, and to me, they will always be. Secondly, I take a little bit of issue with the fact that all of these Nats fans are so hardcore. Seriously-it is impossible to be such a major fan of a team that a year ago, didn't exist (unless of course you were an Expos fan to begin with, and you are just keeping your alliances, but for some reason, I doubt that is the case with the majority of Nats fans). I assume that most of you have not been to a National's game, but let me just tell you, the fans are insane. One of my buddies almost got in to a major fight with some dude for wearing a Mets hat. It was sort of like being in NY. But, my biggest beef with the Expos-er, Nats right now, is that they are ahead of my beloved team, the New York Mets. So for all of those reasons and more, the Nationals CANNOT WIN TODAY. On that same note, I must try to refrain from shouting angry things at them. It will not look good in front of my boss. Whatever you do Rook-keep your mouth shut (and try not to get too drunk). So, anyway, spending the work day at RFK is not a bad way to be rolling... But, it gets better!

Tonight, I am going to see my buddies in Umphrey's McGee! I know it seems ridiculous, but I really like these dudes, they are in fact some of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing (and I really dig their music taboot)! Plus, I get to hang with Monks and Crystal, and maybe even take those boys for some more of their hard earned cash (because you know c-lo will be in full effect tonight). So, great (free) music, lots of (free) beer and time hanging with my buddies... This little lady cannot complain!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Man's Eyebrow Hair Breaks Record

SARANAC, N.Y. (Aug. 24) - A bushy brow landed Frank Ames in the Guinness Book of World Records, but not before a new entry was created for him. The 43-year-old upstate New York man now holds the world record for having the longest eyebrow hair, measured just over 3 inches.

"It's crazy how much people want to know about this... I could build children's hospitals all across the world, and this is what I would still be known for," Frank Ames said of his record-breaking eyebrow hair.

"I don't know why it grows like that; it just always has,'' Ames told the Press-Republican of Plattsburgh.

Ames' journey toward notoriety began almost two years ago when a co-worker at Bombardier Corp. noticed the lengthy brow and suggested Ames try for a record.

When Ames decided to go for it, he discovered that no such category existed. So, he called Guinness and got the rules for official recognition.

Ken Joy, a machinist at Bombardier, measured the hair in February 2004 with Plattsburgh Mayor Daniel Stewart and other city officials standing by as witnesses.

Ames' record appears in the 2006 edition of the record book, in the "Body Parts'' section.

"It's crazy how much people want to know about this,'' Ames said Tuesday. "I've been on radio shows all day. I could build children's hospitals all across the world, and this is what I would still be known for.''

Friday, August 19, 2005

Vera Wang Meets PBR

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Squirrels: The Rats of McPhearson Square

Everyday while coming and going to work, I walk through the same park. Amongst all of the homeless people and pigeons, there is another staple of said park-squirrels. Yet, these don’t seem to be your average, run of the mill squirrels. They are big, fearless and everywhere. I find that they are constantly running underneath my feet, sitting next to me on park benches (I sometimes eat lunch in this park) and just being nuisances in general. But the strangest thing about these squirrels is that there seems to be a new breed of them altogether living in this park---squirrels that lack the trademark bushy tail. What is a squirrel without a bushy tail? In essence, it is just a rat. I don’t really have anything against most squirrels, but those that lack the bushy tail really give me the creeps. Why do you think these squirrels were born without their bushy tails? Is it possible for squirrels and rats to mate? Are these a random hybrid combination? And the most important question of all: aren’t squirrels really just glorified rats anyway?

Wow, I just wrote a whole post about squirrels. I really need to get a life.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I Blame Mike Gordon...

To say the past 24 hours have been interesting would indeed be an understatement. In an effort to squelch my boredom (see previous post-"Boredom=Creativity?") I have been playing silly games during the workday with the help of Monks. Actually, I don't know if games is the right word; we've been setting up tasks and accomplishing them is more like it. Not only has this kept me relatively distracted, it has been pretty entertaining taboot. For example, two days ago we solved the problems in my love life. A direct quote from Monks:
"When you see [name withheld] just pretend you don't even remember kissing him. In fact, if he brings it up, flat out deny the whole thing."
Great advice, by the way... I'll let you know how that works out.

Anyway, yesterday the task at hand was not nearly as simple. We made it our goal to get Mike Gordon to give out my number on his hotline (that number, by the way, is 212-330-9092). So, with the help of some tenacious friends and family members, we bombarded the hotline with calls outlining the reasons why Mike Gordon should give out my telephone number. This was quite entertaining, and really did keep me distracted for most of the day. Well, by the close of business, we had persuaded ten or so people to put calls in to Mike. I knew he would be giving my number out; even though I don't know Mike personally, I knew in my heart of hearts that no one would be able to deny that kind of tenacity. Yet, I was pretty sure that this would be a relatively slow process; I mean, Mike has better things to do then check his voicemail numerous times a day, right? Wrong! When I called the hotline back later that evening, there was a new message greeting me (ed. note-I just tried to call the hotline and write a transcript of the message, but due to my extreme lack of sleep, I was unable to keep up with Mike... Call and check it out yourself). Lo and behold, a few minutes later, my phone began ringing. There were a few constants with the calls I received for the rest of the night:
  1. Every single one of the callers was male
  2. Everyone who called was quite friendly
  3. Many of them wanted to know if I was single

Well, I spoke to too many people last night to give individual shout-outs, but there are a few people I need to mention:

Hey Peter from North Carolina! Of all of the folks we at the Aqualounge spoke to last night, you were by far our favorite! If you ever make it up to DC, please make sure to call us-we would love to chill with you!

Kid from NJ (sorry, but I stopped liking you the minute you announced that fact)-GET A JOB! When Blue asked him what he did for a living, his response was something along the lines of, "well, I went to college and I traveled a lot, and now I party a lot." What?? Wrong answer, dancer!

To the folks who failed my musical tests so horribly-why are you calling Mike Gordon if you don't know Phish. We played the "Brother" from Providence, 98, for one of them (sorry, I think it was you Peter) and his response was, "this recording is too early, I need something from 98 or above to know what it is..." WRONG AGAIN! Then, when I sang "Harry Hood" for someone, he told me he didn't know that song. Also, another caller couldn't identify the song that is now playing during the beginning and end of my voicemail... It's "Sneakin' Sally"! I recommend upping your game before you call me, folks-I am a plethora of Phish information (and yes, I am a big loser).

Wow, I've gotten really ahead of myself (once again, probably due to the lack of sleep). Before this insanity really began, while catching a little buzz from some Makers at Cus' house and high off of the excitement of a mission accomplished, Cus informed me that he had ganked Andy Gadiel's number from a mutual friend of ours, and, now with the cache of being on Gordo's hotline, would be the perfect time to call him and talk about how much his old site is missed and how much Jambase is appreciated by all. So, fueled by the booze and Cus, I got on the old phone and called up Andy. There was just one condition to this phonecall, I was not to mention the mutual friend who Cus had ganked the number from, but instead, I was to tell Andy that I got the number from Mike Gordon. Done and done. So, I call up Andy and lo and behold, he answers after the second ring. We shoot the shit for a while (by the way, what a nice guy!), talking about music, etc., and I do my job and tell him that Mike had given me his number. This surprised him and he inquired, "why is Mike Gordon giving out my number?" to which I responded, "don't worry about it, Gordo and I are old friends." Anyway, we talked for about ten minutes (Andy, if you do happen to be reading this, please, please, please-GIVE ME A JOB! I am sorry I "punk'd" you so to speak, but Jambase rocks my world and I know I could do the same in return) and then we ended our conversation. About 5 minutes later, another Jambase employee, Tanner, calls me to talk about the hotline and the message that Gadiel had just left for Mike. Then and there, I confessed my sins (I had no choice, the truth was coming out whether I wanted it to or not), Tanner and I had a good laugh, and proceeded to talk for a long while about music (and Tanner, if you are reading this per chance, it was great talking to you last night---see you in Vegas!) and life in general.

Wow, this is really turning in to a monster of a post, but I think Cus would kill me if I didn't write about the adventures last night... So anyway, off to the Aqualounge Cus and I went, to spend some quality time with Blue/Bird/Fink/Monks and to field hotline phonecalls. Come midnight, I was ready to go home, but Cus persisted and we didn't end up leaving the lounge till 1:00 am or so. Tired and hungry, I dragged my ass home and was psyched to eat some watermelon, get in to bed and watch Sunday's episode of Entourage on demand. As I am getting in to bed, with Entourage playing in the background and delicious watermelon finally hitting my lips, I hear "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough"-my ringtone-begin screaming loudly. Keep in mind it is about 1:30 at this point, I am tired and cranky and hungry, and the only thing I want to do is watch Entourage. But, not wanting to disappoint, I pick up the phone and prepare for a brief conversation:

Rook: Hello?

Caller: Hi, can I speak to Rook?

Rook: This is her... [keep in mind, I instantly recognized the voice of the one and only, one of my major musical hero's, Michael Gordon].

Caller: Hey Rook, this is Mike Gordon.

Rook: [trying desperately to play it cool, while still a little pissed that he was interrupting my watermelon and Entourage] Hey Mike, how you doing tonight?

Anyway, we proceeded to talk for a few minutes about what had been going on, etc. Then, out of nowhere, he asks me if I had spoken to Gadiel that night... Shit! I began to back-peddle... "Mike... About that, it's all taken care of..." Blah, blah, blah, etc., etc., etc., (and Mike, if by some random chance you are reading this, I am really sorry that I involved you in my web of lies, I promise, it will never happen again). Anyway, Mike and I talked a while longer after that, but I am pretty sure Mike is pissed at me now (seriously, to all who are involved, I feel like a total ass, I am SO SORRY)!

Well, the phone rang all night. In fact, my wake-up call was some dude from Milwaukee at 6:45 am asking me what I was doing awake... You called me, dude! I realize I am not going back to sleep at this point, finally watch the episode of Entourage and drag my ass in to the shower. I put on the newly downloaded Island Tour, 4/3/98, disc 1, to try and get me pumped for what is going to be a VERY long day, and the first notes of "Mike's Song" fill my home... Isn't that ironic, don't you think?

Monday, August 15, 2005

1 Year Down

RIP Phish.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


I think not. These past few weeks the Rook has been more bored then she ever thought humanly possible... Nothing at all is going on in this town, and, day by day I incresingly want to tear my hair out. The summer was uber-exciting for a while, and now it has taken the opposite form. I almost wish that all of the excitement I faced in the previous months hadn't of happened-then maybe I could be happy with my meager existence as of late. The only option seems to be to get the hell out of town, but, I don't have a car, and I am pretty short on cash. Could I bitch anymore?? Oh, poor Rook-please feel bad for me (please note the sarcasm in that statement). Someone, anyone-do something exciting with me this weekend-I BEG OF YOU!

OK, phew. Glad I got that out of the way. On a totally random sidenote, today is my crush's birthday. Happy birthday, oh crush of mine!


Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Three of my friends (more like acquaintances, actually) are on Unfortunately, I don't know this guy, but I would certainly like to. A wook and his dog-really brings me back.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Send Lawyers, Guns and Money

A few days ago I realized that I have been living in the District for about a year now. At this point, I think I am qualified to make some statements about the city that I call home, Washington, DC. So, sit back, relax and enjoy some random observations about our nations capitol.

Lawyers-They are everywhere. I do believe that 90% of the people in DC are attorneys. Everywhere I go, everyone I meet seems to practice law of some sort. If you spit in this town, it is more than likely that you will hit a lawyer-which I guess is a good thing seeing as there is so much...

Crime-DC is GHETTO. No if's and's or but's. Last night, on my way home from Union Station I saw a prostitute being arrested a block from my apartment. She was nasty, wearing just a bra and panties. I feel I am constantly seeing people get arrested for pretty major things. Every morning when I walk to work I smell pot being smoked in the park. More than one person has tried to sell me crack. And, come on, the town in full of politicians and lawyers-enough said.

Homelessness-The ten percent of DC that isn't working in some sort of legal career is homeless. When I first got to this town, I genuinely felt bad for all of these folks sans homes. I would buy them food, give them money, etc. Now, I have come to loathe them. I work 8 hours a day, five days a week-why can't they? A huge chunk of the homeless population in DC is incredibly rude taboot. I remember one guy coming up to me while I was eating a lunch that consisted of hot dogs and a soda...
Bum: Give me some money.
Rook: I don't have any money. Do you want some lunch?
Bum: What do you got?
Rook: A hot dog.
Bum: Give me some money.
Seriously folks, I can't make this kind of stuff up...

Alcoholics-In this respect, I have never felt more at home. The people in this city-lawyers, criminals and the homeless alike all have one thing in common-they share a major love of alcohol. I think that the majority of the people that inhabit this city hate their lives so much, that the only thing to do to numb the pain is consume enormous amounts of booze. Believe me, I am not complaining...

Hatred towards Northern Virginia and Maryland-We really don't like our suburbs. For me, it is more of a convenience issue than anything else. I once ended a relationship because the guy lived in Bethesda, under the pretense of not doing long distance relationships. It takes a lot to get me out of this city, and I think that most would agree.

DC---there ain't no place like home, MUTHA FUCKA!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Vegas, Baby!

I have been lucky enough to have traveled to many places throughout my short life, but I've got to be completely honest-I am more excited about the impending Halloween visit to Vegas for Vegoose than I have been about pretty much any other vacation I have ever been on. This trip will effortlessly combine a few of my biggest passions-music, gambling and quickie marriages. I was all set to do Vegas in the Spring of 2004, but lo and behold, that trip ended up having to be canceled. That will not be the case with this upcoming trip. Here are my predictions of the some of the things that will happen while I am vacationing in Sin City:

Prediction #1-I will win a massive amount of money.
Prediction #2-I will not sleep a wink over the four days that I am there.
Prediction #3-I will win lots of money from dirty hippies (god, they are such easy marks).
Prediction #4-I will get married at least once.
Prediction #5-I will manage to alienate everyone that I travel with, due to my lack of sleep and excessive gambling/drinking/shouting/marriages.

Prediction #6-I will buy a lap dance for Trey Anastasio.
Prediction #7-I will have one of the best weekends of my life.

Vegas, baby! Here I come!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

12 Tribes?

I picked up some literature at the WSP show on Saturday, a pamphlet that speaks of enlightenment... Well, this morning, as I was enjoying a yogurt, I sat and read said document, which was very kindly given to me by a member of the 12 Tribes. I was reading it, and I got to thinking-what is so wrong with their lifestyle? People have called them a cult, but, according to them, they are NOT a cult. They seem pretty cool to me-they get to go to a bunch of shows and ride around in that cool bus, and they live on farms, like a family. I have had this overwhelming feeling lately that my life needs more direction-maybe that direction is joining my homies at the 12 Tribes?? I don't know the dude Yashua that they are always talking about-but, he seems pretty cool to me, and I've got lots of room in my heart! The only question now is: Who's coming with me?

Monday, August 01, 2005

Classic Album

Here I sit, on Monday, August 1st, (just for the record, hasn't this summer flown by?) and I have just finished cleaning my house and am enjoying a beer. Anyway, I put on After the Goldrush, which may just be the definitive Neil Young album... It never ceases to amaze me how music can take you to places that you never thought you would return to. After a very painful break-up (which turned out not to be too permanent) during my sophomore year of college, I played this album TO DEATH. At the time, every lyric spoke to me in an incredibly personal way. I could relate to every word that came out of Neil's mouth, in a way that I don't think I will relate to ever again. So, here I sit, listening to this amazing album and I am immediately transported back to my teeny, tiny (and disgusting) apartment in Plattsburgh, NY, three plus years ago, sitting on my little bed with my darling little puppy Ella (who, FYI, I miss more than words can even express), mourning the loss of a true love. I think of it all now and it sort of makes me laugh. I have traveled miles and years since those sad days in the Spring of 2002, but yet, a little After the Goldrush, and I am right back there. That is the reason that music is such an amazing thing. It can take you places that you've never been, and then, instantaneously, forever bring you back.

But only love can break your heart, try to be sure right from the start...
6th Annual Jammys!