Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Year in Pictures-April

April 2005. Definitely my least favorite month of the past year. While April is usually a joyous month for me (it brings the advent of Spring and my birthday), April of 2005 brought me a nasty case of shingles. Yeah, having the shingles really sucked and that event alone really ruined April for me. But, if I can forget about the end and middle of April, and look back to the beginning (which believe you me, is extraordinarily difficult) it comes to my attention that April started out as a pretty rocking month (which is probably why I got the shingles in the first place). The pictures above are from the first weekend in April, when me and the Monkey’s ventured to a farm in central Virginia for a good old fashioned barn party. From what I can remember, it was a hell of a time, complete with a massive rain storm and many a song about getting bit by snakes. I also remember Birdie getting bit by the porta-potty, and nearly bleeding to death. That was definitely a fun weekend, but, I don’t really think it makes up for the whole shingles incident. Either way, enjoy the pictures…


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